What is Haken-ex?
Haken-ex is a Japanese haken company (if you want to know what a haken company is, please read my article on haken companies). Since 2008, Haken-ex has been providing great jobs to many job seekers in Japan, and as of June 2017, more than 185,000 job opportunities available on their website. Haken-ex deals with jobs in a variety of fields. Examples of jobs include office work, clerical jobs, computer programming, web design, drivers, tour conductors, apparel stores, and nursing care. You can easily filter jobs by choosing options like your desired working hours per day, how long you want to do the job, and where you want to work.
How do you apply for a job?
Haken-ex sure has a lot of great job options, but their application process is done in Japanese, so applying for a job on Haken-ex can be difficult for you if you cannot read Japanese. That is why I am writing this article. I am going to explain what you need to do to apply for a job on Haken-ex.
If you find a job you would like to apply for, click a red button saying “今すぐエントリー” (apply right now) at the end of the job description. It leads you to a page where you put your personal information in. I am going to explain each section from the top.
If you scroll down a little, you will see a big table underneath “【はじめてご利用の方】エントリーに必要な情報を入力” for you to put your information all in Japanese.
- 名前: Your name. 姓 is your family name and 名 is your given name.
- フリガナ: セイis your family name in katakana, メイis your given name in katakana.
- 性別: 女性 for women, 男性 for men.
- 生年月日: Your birthday. From the left, click each button to choose your birth year, month, and date.
- メールアドレス: Your email address.
- 電話番号: Your phone number.
- 住所: Your address. Put your zip code without hiphens next to 郵便番号, and click on the prefecture and town you reside in. Optionally, put extra information such as your apartment name and room number in a box next to 町名・建物名.
- 最寄駅: The nearest station. Three buttons are, from the left, the station’s prefecture, train line, and station name. This section can be left blank.
- 就業開始日: The first date of work. Click buttons to select which date you can start working.
- 社会人・学生: Click 社会人 if you are working, and 学生 if you are a student.
- 最終学歴: Your most recent education history. Next to 卒業年学, choose the most recent education level you achieved, graduation date, and school name.
- 中学: Junior high school
- 高校: High school
- 大学: University
- 短大: College
- 専門学校: Vocational school
- 大学院: Graduate school
- 職歴の有無: Your work experience. If you have any job history, click あり and if not, click なし.
Once you fill out all the information in the table, scroll down the page all the way to the bottom, and click a red button saying “規約に同意して、次へ” to go to the next page. On the next page, check if all the information you have filled is correct, and if it is, click “この内容でエントリー.” Congratulations, your application is done!
Become a member to save time
At the top of the page is a short description of the job you are about to apply for, and beneath that is a section for Haken-ex members. If you are already a Haken-ex member, you can put your registered email address and password in and click the blue button underneath to log in. By logging in, you do not have to fill in information every time you apply for a job, which saves a lot of time. Also, members can receive emails about the newest job postings, which is a helpful service. If you are not a member, you can register here. Fill in your information, which is your email address, password, the same password for confirmation, work location, and kind of job you desire to have. After the registration, fill in the information explained above. When it is done, you can apply for jobs without typing in your name or address any more!
Opportunities are awaiting you
Now you know how to apply for jobs on Haken-ex. It is time to find a perfect job for you from over 185,000 options!